
GSK Open Source Science

NineSigma has been enabling GSK’s Open Innovation activities for 9 years, and we are proud to be part of their latest Open Science initiative:

the GSK Bio-Manufacturing Omics Data Analysis Challenge.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a leading biopharma company with an R&D approach focused on science related to the immune system, use of genetics and new technologies.

GSK has a dataset of metabolomic, proteomic, transcriptomic analyses of fed-batch cultures of E. coli, producing two different fusion proteins under multiple bio-reactor conditions.

In the spirit of open-source science and GSKs commitment to helping people
Do More, Feel Better, and Live Longer, they are making this data set available to external parties for research.
A research proposal is the key to unlock access.

All those who send reasonable proposals will be given access to the data and three will be awarded 7000 Euro each.

The three ‘winners’ will receive the opportunity to present their analysis and discuss it with the biomanufacturing teams at GSK.  This could lead to funding for joint-collaboration projects if the initial analysis shows promising applications.

More information on the challenge, the data set and how to submit a proposal
is available here:

Get in touch

NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

+32 16 24 42 80
