
Growth and Expansion at NineSigma

Growth and Expansion at NineSigma

2021 was a year of growth and expansion at NineSigma.

We welcomed great new people to the team…


Eri Takahashi, Director of Program Delivery, North America.

Background: Physics, mobile communication, automotive, electronics, energy.

Cyrine Abbes, Marketing and Sales Lead, Europe

Background: Marketing, digital media, tourism, telecommunications.

Meryem Pinar, Technology Associate, Europe

Background: Chemistry, beauty care, thin films, fiber spinning, polymer physics.

Erika Biserni, Technology Associate, Europe

Background: Engineering, photovoltaics, batteries, aerospace (ground and space applications).


…and we promoted some of our existing colleagues


Julia Roelofsen, Business Development Director Europe

Background: Finance, economics, international management, technology parks, spin-outs.

Oliver Worsfold, Director Program Management, Europe

Background: Chemistry, thin film sensors, bio-nanotechnology, smart holograms, funding, licensing, partnerships.

NineSigma help large, medium and small companies in all industry sectors innovate and grow.

Our continued growth and expansion is because we have helped our clients be successful.

To know more contact us:

Get in touch

NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

+32 16 24 42 80



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