Your future starts here

Accelerate your Innovation
Accelerate your technology roadmap integrating new technology from innovative partners.
Shape your Sustainable Future
Find transformational solutions to societal, environmental, sustainability and decarbonisation challenges.
Explore New Technology Spaces
Anticipate future trends and emerging technology landscapes to make strategic decisions and identify new opportunities.
Discover New Business Opportunities
Test B2B offerings, create successful go to market strategy and decrease time to market.
Extend your Capabilities
Develop know-how of innovation methods and identify where you can benefit from external innovation.
Partnership Model & Venturing
Drive your innovation strategy with a custom program and a dedicated NineSigma team.

Deep Expertise

Years of Experience
Contacts Reached

About us

Global leader in innovation with over 20 years of experience, NineSigma explores new scientific, technology and commercial spaces, build new ecosystems of partners, and discover novel business opportunities.

We accelerate innovation and a sustainable future by:

Helping you understand the external environment and make strategic decisions.

Connecting you to new partners, start-ups, researchers, suppliers, manufacturers.

Discovering and testing new business ideas in B2B markets.

Our passion for science and technology, worldwide presence and two unique science and technology networks can transform your business.

Working with Clients Worldwide

We have worked on 10K+ projects within different industries coming from Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America.

Get in touch

NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

+32 16 24 42 80


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